Everything is strange now. If you’re reading this after we’re out of the weeds, congratulations. Because right now? It’s strange.

One disappointment for many is graduation. It just won’t happen. Or at least not how seniors expected. So, as support, a social media movement arose to share your own senior photo. I don’t get it, either.

A teenage certainty is that old people are not cool. So old people showing how old they are by sharing photos as teenagers? Yeah, as I said, we’re in strange times.

Anyway, it’s just a whole bunch of scared and restless people trying to help. Which I respect. We’re all in this together, in totally different ways.

So, Data Security?

Yes, sharing your senior photo (along with supplemental info, for some reason) is bad. And that data is getting scooped up for nefarious uses. Like what? Well, that info tends to answer a lot of security questions.

And don’t get me started on those Facebook personality tests that you have to tap Play and allow your info to be shared. Don’t. Do. Them! It’s literally handing your data over to someone you don’t know at all.

Definitely watch below to hear my perspective on security questions.

In fact, watch below to get the story. Ok, not the whole story, but the part that I could fit into a few minute video. Data security is important, and as a financial institution, it’s in your best interest to extend good practices far and wide.

Oh yeah, there’s captions for your muted enjoyment.

FYI: The shirt is from an annual run put on by local high-schoolers to raise money for a children’s cancer hospital. I’m a huge fan of the irony. And these teenagers are consistently awesome. I’m really sorry they’re missing graduation.